2021 Change Log


December 27, 2021

  • Updated links in the footer for "Terms of Service & Privacy Policy" and "DMCA."
  • Language listing on the My Account page are now displayed in the native language name.

December 16, 2021

  • Vampire 5e
    • Improved roll handling to automatically calculate successes and critical successes.
    • Added various automatically calculating roll features, such as Rouse, Frenzy, Remorse, etc.
  • Isometric and Dimetric grid types are now part of the Page Settings for all Pro Users. This is a limited, early-access release for the feature.

December 15, 2021

  • Computed values are now working correctly for any argument of a roll template function.

  • Fixed an issue using Subscription Credit in exact amount with no other payment source.

December 10, 2021

  • Ampersands are now formatted correctly in marketplace item receipts.

December 8, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where immediate emails were not sent when selected for forum notifications.
  • Tormenta is no longer listed twice in the "Enjoys Playing" dropdown on the My Profile page.
  • Fixed an issue preventing 3D dice from appearing when other players roll dice.
  • Holding Alt (or Option on Mac) while dragging images from "My Library" will always preserve aspect ratio and not snap to grid squares on pages with Grid set to "on."
  • For pages with Grid set to "off," the aspect ratio is always preserved while dragging images from "My Library."

December 6, 2021

  • Fixed issue requiring a Token to be moved for visible areas to be updated, rather than updating when "Controlled by" changes on a Character were saved with the User Interface or Pro Mod (API). This was causing a delay to updates of Player’s view when updating the “Controlled by” attribute on a Character.
  • Fixes problem so secondary click is now Pan Tool while Place Light tool is active.
  • Fixes problem with snapping during small token rotations for tokens with limited Field of Vision. Quick rotations can still cause visible areas to misalign with controls. Clicking on the token will realign vision.
  • Other minor issues and enhancements.

November 30, 2021

  • Finnish is now available on Crowdin for community translators.
  • Social media icons in site footer updated with consistent padding and new design.
  • Updated Help Center links on the subscription page.

November 28, 2021

  • Discounted annual pricing introduced for Pro ($99.99/year) and Plus ($49.99/year) for a limited time.
  • Updated styling on the subscription page.

November 23, 2021

  • Uploaded images will drag in at the aspect ratio of the thumbnail image in your library by default. Alt key (or Option on Mac OS) will now force 1x1 grid size on all layers aside from the Map Layer (which is 3x3 by default).

November 18, 2021

  • Computed roll functions can now handle more than 10 rolls.
  • The accuracy of auto-generated compendium links has been improved.
  • The character sheet loading animation has been replaced with a branded logo loading animation.
  • The load time of certain compendium list pages, such as feats, have been improved.
  • The source selector dropdown in the compendium now displays and links to proper sources.

November 15, 2021

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Mobile

  • Added improved class & other resource tracking.
  • Added improved currency tracking.
  • Various minor visual upgrades.
  • Resolved a bug that caused used spell slots to not sync between mobile and desktop.
  • Resolved a bug that caused proficiency bonus to sometimes not display.

November 4, 2021

  • Marketplace purchases with set grid size metadata will drag on to the VTT at that size. If the image does not have data, it will be placed as 3x3 on the map layer or 1x1 on any other layer.
  • You can now add a page between two pages when you hover in the VTT page menu.

November 3, 2021

  • Dragging and dropping onto a character sheet now chooses the correct version of the compendium entry if there is more than one entry of that name.
  • The RollTotal roll template function now works correctly with computed values.

November 2, 2021

  • Many images from the Roll20 Marketplace will now drop on the map layer at dimensions set by the Creator.

October 28, 2021

Mobile Beta App - Android and iOS

  • Improved character sheet load times and navigation performance by 4x
  • Added prompts to opt into tracking services such as surveys and anonymous analytics.
  • Fixed issue with "on clicked" sheetworker reporting incorrect eventInfo
  • Android - Fixed issue with devices getting logged out prematurely
  • iOS - Fixed issue with advantage queries where advantage and disadvantage were not rolling as expected. 

October 27, 2021

  • Fixed new account modal so that it appears for new accounts when first visiting roll20.net/welcome.
  • Removed "All Access Vault Enabled" alert displaying erroneously on certain Marketplace items.
  • Updated Roll20Con 2021 Achievement badge for attendees on November 12-14.

October 26, 2021

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Mobile

  • Added Resources & Tools Tab - Contains Resources, Tool Proficiencies, Custom Skills, Other Proficiencies, and Languages.
  • Added Health and Death Tab - Contains Hit Points, Hit Dice, and Death Saves.
  • Added Inventory Tab - Contains Money and Equipment
  • Updated Features and Traits Tab - Users can now send a feature or trait's description to VTT chat.
  • Fixed an issue with Initiative rolls returning a blank roll result.

October 21, 2021

  • Reverted fixes for special characters in roll queries and macros, as these fixes caused unintended side effects or errors to existing macros.

October 20, 2021

  • Added color picker to Circle Tool on the VTT.
  • Fixed a bug where the UI would not reflect explorer mode if already on when the page loaded.
  • Hide/Reveal Tool improved on the VTT toolbar for use with Dynamic Lighting.
  • Added the ability for sheet developers to display character avatars and tokens within character sheets.
  • Added limited DOM interactions for character sheet authors via jQuery
  • Resolved a bug that required the use of special characters in nested roll queries.

October 12, 2021

  • Improved game addon search for owned game addons.

October 5, 2021

  • Redesigned login, create account, forgot password, and accept invite pages.
  • Accept invite email updated and accept invite bug with site notifications fixed.
  • Updated forgot password process. The updated forgot password email will take you to a new reset password page.
  • Added tooltips to Tokens and Cards to add functionality and improve accessibility with screen readers. You can find more information in our Help Center.

September 30, 2021

  • The "Place Light" tool has been added to the Tool Box on the Virtual Tabletop to quickly place light sources with a default value.

September 29, 2021

Mobile Beta App - Android and iOS

  • Added warning for character sheets that haven't been optimized for mobile yet. Currently, D&D 5e is the only sheet optimized for mobile.

  • Rolls with linebreaks sent from the mobile app to the VTT chat should now parse properly.

  • Fixed intermittent issue with campaigns not appearing on login.

  • Fixed issue where users with more than 50 games could not load any games. Now the app will load the user's first 50 games
  • iOS - For parity with Android, added visual feedback when processing a roll.

September 28, 2021

  • Fixed an issue with the Align Grid tool.
  • Turning off Low Light for a token saves the "emits light" radius value. When you turn on Low Light again, the light will emit just like it did before you turned if off.
  • We've added a Circle Tool to the Drawing section of the Toolbar. Drawing a circle with holding alt while using the rectangle shape tool is still there, too.

September 21, 2021

  • D&D5e - Added additional charactermancer options to accommodate Wild Beyond the Witchlight Release 
  • Vampire 5e - Updated dice icons and added button to allow for players to make ad-hoc dice rolls.
  • Vampire 5e - Added upgraded Health and Willpower display & controls.
  • Vampire 5e - Improved impairment logic & styling.
  • Vampire 5e - Added a 'start of session' healing button to sheet.

September 14, 2021

  • Pathfinder 2e - Fixed a bug where Enfeebled would not affect Strength-based Damage rolls.
  • Vampire 5e - Added 'Lock Dots' button that, when enabled, prevents Stat and Skill dots from being changed.
  • Vampire 5e - Added support for Storyteller Characters
  • D&D5e - Resolved a bug where the sheet did not preserve a user's setting to automatically roll damage or not.

September 8, 2021

  • Improved touch support in Chrome browser on Android devices
  • We clarified the user interface with Dynamic Lighting. Only tokens that are not controlled by one or more players appear translucent. Tokens that are controlled by one or more players and have vision enabled are now opaque and always appear above the darkness, when Dynamic Lighting is on
  • Added some messaging to the CTRL-L if a token you select doesn't have vision or is not on the token layer
  • Added Pro Mod (API) support for removed cards.
  • Added new tutorial with tooltips and dynamic lighting for all users, replacing former tutorial.

September 2, 2021

  • Mobile App (Android and iOS)
    • Added support for jQuery functions in character sheets

September 1, 2021

  • You can now change the the brightness of Dynamic Lighting Daylight Mode 
  • Adjust Dynamic Lighting Daylight Mode brightness with the Pro Mod (API) 
  • A link to our careers page was added to the bottom of the page
  • Added better error handling to partner API

August 24, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where enabling "Draw through deck, shuffle, repeat" on one deck would disable that option for other open deck editors.

August 20, 2021

  • Multiple Compendium entries of the same name can now exist in your Journal tab. To distinguish the entries, we mark all entries in your Journal tab with the associated source information, publisher icon, and book title abbreviation, if available.

August 19, 2021

  • Optimized image uploading for token sets for Marketplace creators.
  • On the "Gift a Roll20 Subscription" page, the wording underneath the title now says "Gifting to user <user's name>" and links to that user's public profile page.
  • Fixed an issue with auto-selection of a radio button when gifting to players.

August 18, 2021

  • Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Resolved an issue with NPC Reactions that was causing button names to be incorrectly generated.
  • Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Resolved an issue generating errors in the Mod  (API) console.
  • Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition - Added superficial and aggravated damage tracking to the health and willpower trackers.

August 17, 2021

  • Fixed issue where removing cards from infinite decks from the game would cause inconsistent behavior.

August 16, 2021

  • Character Sheets - Add pseudo-variable to allow Sheet Authors to scope roll templates.
  • Character Sheets - Added Environment Variables for Sheet Authors to scope sheetworkers.
  • D&D 5E by Roll20 - Mobile App (Android and iOS)
    • Improved whitespace display on Roll Templates.
    • Added character avatar to header
    • Added combat section for Support for Attacks and Spellcasting
    • Added navigation to access new sections of the sheet, including Combat and placeholders for other sections of the sheet for future development.
    • Fixed an issue with resolving rolls for reliable talent.
    • Updated Character Sheet header.

August 8, 2021

  • Call of Cthulhu 7e - Resolved a z-indexing issue that made repeating sections difficult to control.
  • Starfinder - Resolved a bug that was causing ship attacks to not roll critical hits correctly.
  • Vampire 5th Edition - Overhauled the Discipline functionality, adding improved power management and improved drag and drop experience.
  • Chronicles of Darkness - Resolved alignment issues caused by a Chrome update.

August 5, 2021

Mobile Beta App - Android and iOS

  • Added filter to quickly find campaigns using sheets optimized for mobile
  • Added visual feedback when initiating a roll
  • Added support for future character sheet functionality
  • Improved attribute handling in character sheets
  • Improved error handling
  • Added support for roll queries
  • Various style changes and bug fixes

August 4, 2021

  • A separate area has been added to decks for cards which are removed from play which behaves similarly to the discard pile.

August 3, 2021

  • Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is now selectable in the LFG list, the "Enjoys Playing" dropdown on user profiles, the "Find Players Seeking Any of These Games" dropdown on the player directory, and the "Playing" dropdown on campaign pages.
  • Owned items now properly show up in asset library search results.

July 30, 2021

  • Marketplace items are now listed in order of first activation. If an item is deactivated and then reactivated, it will not show up at the top of Marketplace listings.
  • Removed Google Play and App Store links to old mobile app in header of the site.

July 27, 2021

  • Edges of shadows are now feathered for a better visual experience. This has also solved the jagged lines when using Dynamic Lighting without Explorer Mode.
  • Resolved an issue that created unwanted blocking light when a large number of circles or freehand Dynamic Lighting lines are drawn on the Dynamic Lighting layer.
  • Deleted games are automatically removed from your compendium sharing limit.
  • Fixed broken links in the bookshelf section of the new Compendium landing page.
  • For Marketplace Creators, a change to allow resubmission of items which have been submitted earlier in the week.
  • Resolved an issue that allowed vision to reveal too much darkness in certain cases.
  • Other minor enhancements and bug fixes.

July 22, 2021

  • Users with a PayPal agreement no longer receiving erroneous charge emails.

July 21, 2021

  • Fixed an error with gifting while logged in.

July 20, 2021

  • Dynamic Lighting can now have color! Dynamic Lighting Lights can now be given a specific color with a color picker or specific Hex Code.
  • We added a new API key for Graphics, ‘lightColor’ which takes a hexadecimal color value i.e ‘#FF0000’ for red
  • Speaking of the Pro Mods (API), we made a Change to ensure Light changes are immediately reflected when changed with a script
  • Fixed a problem with Dim Lighting wherein saving Low Light with a blank value would cause a negative number to be saved in its place
  • Fixed a problem that made Voice Chat mute when clicking on another player’s portrait
  • We resolved an issue for users who reported Voice & Video reconnections happening more often than expected
  • Various improvements for Marketplace Creators
  • Pathfinder 2e - Fixed formatting and design issues with the Alchemy Tab on the PF2 character sheet
  • Vampire 5th Edition - Improved Discipline repeating section controls

July 15, 2021

  • Addons in the Marketplace no longer erroneously display "All Access Vault Enabled" notification.
  • Fixed error with gifting subscription credit as a user who is not logged in.
  • Fixed error with using double quotes in Marketplace author name.
  • Removed Google Play and Apple Store links to deprecated Roll20 app from footer of site.
  • Non-game owners are no longer able to see notifications about game addon installations on the Campaign Details page.
  • The "Sign In" and "Create Account" buttons are now disabled when clicked and say "Processing..."
  • Users can now edit their bios if they saved while editing and only had spaces and/or new lines.
  • We now validate emails when updating from the My Account page.
  • When uploading Marketplace art packs, image properties now auto-populate with 1x1 as a default and indicate that the default image height and width fields are required.

July 13, 2021

  • Animated card backings and fronts now properly display in the VTT.
  • The favicon logo in a web browser tab for Roll20 is updated to the gradient logo instead of the pixelated pink logo.
  • Images for campaign listing page no longer squished.
  • Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Resolved an issue where the Level+ Charactermancer would fail.
  • Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Resolved an Issue where the Charactermancer would not provide Monks with their much needed 10 darts.
  • Pathfinder 2 - Added automated Condition support to the PF2e sheet.
  • Starfinder - Resolved an issue where extra dice were being erroneously added to weapons when added via drag and drop.
  • Vampire 5e - Added the ability to track a player's stains on their humanity tracker
  • Sheet authors can now calculate roll criteria for success in games with complex dice mechanics (such as passing or failing a test). The functions startRoll and finishRoll will allow sheet authors to access dice rolls and compute their own results for those rolls. More info can be found here: Custom Roll Parsing for Character Sheets

July 9, 2021

  • The Convert Lighting notice on the Campaign Details page will no longer appear for campaigns created after July 5, 2021.
  • Fixed an issue with creating games with Addons from Marketplace Pages.

July 6, 2021

  • Additional fonts have been added for use in the VTT text drawing tool.
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling could cut off the bottom or left of the page.
  • Resolved an issue in the compendium where alphabetic characters with diacritics were breaking links.
  • Added code to support having multiple card backs inside of the same card deck.

June 29, 2021

  • A safety deck will now be added to all new games.
  • Vampire 5th Edition by Roll20 - Fixed an issue with skill specialties not correctly saving between user updates. 
  • Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition by Roll 20 - Added improved support for Drag and Drop Lineages from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.
  • Dungeon World by Roll20 - Fixed an issue with NPC inputs being the wrong width.

June 22, 2021

  • The Turn Tracker dialog on the Virtual Tabletop was given a specific CSS Class of “Initiativedialog” which was a simple Suggestion that had a lot of votes.

  • Changed Voice & Video chat connections to improve consistency of connections

  • Vampire of Masquerade 5th Edition by Roll20 character sheet released.

  • Resolved an issue with the whisper toggle not toggling in Chrome for Vampire of The Masquerade 5th Edition character sheet.

  • Dungeon World Sheet - Updated an autocalc value to use a sheetworker instead, allowing for easier reference via macros.

  • Adding Alchemist support (Formulas, Reagents and Modifiers) to the Pathfinder 2e PC sheet

  • Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition can now be selected in the following:

    • LFG list

    • “Enjoys Playing” dropdown on user profiles,

    • “Find Players Seeking Any of The Games” dropdown on the player directory

    • “Playing” dropdown on campaign pages.

  • The ordering of results on the compendium disambiguation page has been adjusted to be more usable.

June 15, 2021

  • Preparation for upcoming Dynamic Lighting celebration event.

  • Resolved a variety of bugs that were causing the Level+ charactermancer to fail. Added logging capabilities to charactermancer making it easier to find out when compendium data is invalid.

  • The main compendium landing page has been updated to a new design.

  • Fixed the bug with special characters in the compendium.

  • Fixed an issue which occurred when a logged out user attempted to go to a pick up game’s detail page.

  • Search results in the asset library will now include free assets.

June 8, 2021

  • [Hotfixed Jun 2nd] Fixed an issue where the GM opacity slider wasn't available to free users. This also prevented page values from saving for new users which was also resolved.

  • Added more specific error reporting if WebGL initialization fails

  • Light Sensitivity has been added to the default game settings

  • Improved stability and performance for the Paizo Account Sync.

  • Fixed as of April 2021: When you edit the bio and info tab of a popped out character sheet and complete the edit, the changes save correctly and take you back to the popped out window.

  • Collateral Damage has been added to the compendium main page.

  • Our default 52 card deck backing has gotten a makeover.

  • Thirsty Sword Lesbians has been added to the compendium home page.

June 2, 2021

  • Hotfix on May 26, 2021: Fixed an issue that caused games with unmodified Night Vision Default Tint to make the vision appear black.

  • Fixed an issue where using the zoom tool would cause unnecessary errors to appear in the console log.

  • Updated Dynamic Lighting User Interface.

  • Added a brief notification for users on non-supported browsers.

  • Modifications to the Token Settings View interface to display Dynamic Lighting as the default, with Legacy Dynamic Lighting in Advanced settings.

  • Modifications to the Page View interface to display Dynamic Lighting as the default, with Legacy Dynamic Lighting in Advanced settings.

  • We have made additional UI updates to page and token settings, including adjustments to the blue “Updated” tag.

  • We’ve softened the jagged edges on explorer mode darkness.

  • D&D 5E by Roll20: Spells with an attack that are dragged to the sheet or added through the charactermancer will now have a link to show the spell description displayed in the chat.

  • Pathfinder 2 by Roll20: Fixed layout/readability of roll template header when using a Mod (API) button / Link as the name of the rollable element of the sheet (Strikes, Actions, Feats, Spells, Inventory item etc.)

  • Users with subscription credit, which includes subscription gifts, can now purchase a subscription without inputting any payment information. By clicking on the pink, “Submit payment with Stripe” button on the payment modal, you can successfully start a subscription with credit!

  • If a user has started a subscription with just credit and does not have a saved payment source, their subscription will end when they run out of credit to cover the next payment.

  • Removed unnecessary error reporting for certain roll template functions.

May 25, 2021

  • Pathfinder 2 by Roll20 Character Sheet

    • Inventory items can be transferred from one inventory section (for example from Stowed to Worn) by using the new “Transfer to” dropdown list in the item settings.

    • Fixed proficiency and actions information layout in the PC sheet header

  • Pathfinder 1 Character Sheet

    • Layout fix for Firefox versions 87+

    • Fixed calculation bug when the item DEX penalty was “-” and was not modified, preventing the final AC from being recalculated properly.

  • Fixed a bug causing the “My Marketplace Items” page to endlessly load

  • Removed the Sharpen effect from night vision because of the unintended interactions it was having with other aspects of the VTT

  • Improved blending between multiple tokens with overlapping night vision

  • Overhauled the visual presentation of night vision to prevent it from obscuring tokens, maps, and the grid behind it

  • Fixed an issue where animated tokens would not play when viewed with night vision

  • Resolved an issue causing grid lines to fade when players controlled multiple tokens with vision

  • Resolved an issue where having multiple overlapping tokens with very dark tints of night vision would cause the GM to lose visibility on the map

  • Resolved an issue where night vision would sometimes cause revealed areas to appear darker when in the presence of light sources

  • Resolved an issue where special effects from the FX Tool would not display properly when being rendered in the same location as night vision

May 11, 2021

  • D&D 5E Sheets by Roll20: Resolving an issue where the Level+ Toolbar was disappearing under certain conditions. Additionally, fixed an issue where spell picker would not initialize.

  • Cypher System by Roll20 sheet (including The Strange & Numenéra): bug fix: Speed rolls will now account for additional roll cost.

  • Cypher System by Roll20 sheet (including The Strange & Numenéra): the sheet has now two options for initiative rolls. Beat a difficulty (and send the raw d20 roll to the tracker) OR add training and every possible bonuses and effort on top of the d20 roll, and send the calculation result to the tracker, for a more traditional RPG initiative. 

May 04, 2021

  • Fix for overlapping dim light not fading when using Nocturnal Night Vision effect.

  • You can now manually rotate an individual Dynamic Lighting line or shape without the need for a keyboard shortcut.

  • Fixed and issue where toggling Night Vision on and then toggling Vision off would keep Night Vision on

  • We gave the Token setting some better memory to keep track of it’s previous tab state. A small step in making some of the requested feature changes.

  • We have made light multiplier more consistent when loading into a page but also updating all relevant light sources and tokens effected for that player. You no longer need to move the token in order for the effect to kick in.

  • Fixed a scenario that causes explorer mode to stop revealing after resizing a page and moving a token.

  • We have opened up the usage of the Freehand Drawing Tool for usage in UDL. Best usage is when you need a finer touch of control around a contour of a wall. Polygon and square Draw are still more optimal when you need straight lines.

  • Visually improved the blending between night vision and low light.

  • We’ve added a new optional setting to Night Vision called “Nocturnal'. This will make darkness appear as Dim Light and Dim Light seem as bright when within its range. You can still select the color gradient instead of being forced into shades of gray for all fire Genasi players out there.

April 27, 2021

  • Now using CTRL-L will factor in the current Light Sensitivity level of the token selected and return to the GM’s current light sensitivity level once it’s toggled off.

  • Starship for Roll20: Starship sheet preparation for Starship and starships system drag’n’drop from the Compendium: adding missing fields for various data, removed bugged roll from systems and code ready from drop.

  • When using the character sheet legacy sanitization system, the first rule after a CSS import statement is no longer deleted.

April 20, 2021

  • D&D 5e by Roll20 Character Sheet

    • Fixed an issue where charactermancer level up would not complete

    • Fixed an issue where toggling options for NPC bonus actions would not display those actions.

    • When re-selecting a class in charactermancer, the old selection is now cleared

    • When multiclassing into warlock and other cantrip-loving classes, charactermancer no longer prompts you to add too many cantrips

April 13, 2021

  • Refactoring of token and card hand to improve code health.

  • Fixed an issue caused when a token lighting enabled had it's center thrown off by the grid snapping

  • We fixed a UDL bug that was caused by having CTRL-L enabled and switching pages could break the view and cause the GM's screen to go black.

  • Pathfinder 2 by Roll20: Rolling spells: Critical success, Success, Failure and Critical failure are now not tied to Saving Throw and will show in rolls if filled, whatever the spell's saving throw setting.

  • D&D 5e by Roll20: Fixed item modifiers for Belt of Hill Giant Strength, Robe of the Archmagi, and Luckstone.

April 6, 2021

  • We have implemented a blacklist to prevent offensive names from being auto-generated for new characters in the VTT journal.

  • The UDL settings in the page and token menus now retain their state when a parent setting has been toggled off.

  • We also resolved a UDL bug where the dim light value and and total light values were incorrect leading to potential negative dim light values in some scenarios. This fix should lead to a more reliable experience when turning these settings off and on.

March 30, 2021

  • We updated the home page to reflect our current number of users.

  • Character Sheets

    • D&D 5e

      • Fixed some issues with spell points being caculated incorrectly, and spell cards not using custom DCs.

      • Mobile feat no longer over-writes a character’s speed, as of March 23

      • Updated information for feats in Tasha’s

      • Variant rules for Piety, Hero Points, and Spell points were previously added in a February update

    • Call of Cthulhu by Roll20

      • Fixed an issue with the line height display in the charactermancer.

    • Esper Genesis:

      • Weapons Systems on starships no roll attacks and damage similar to character weapons attacks.

      • Ships regained their stats for Maneuver Defense, Structural Integrity, Piloting Check, Maneuver Save DC, and Sensor Range in early March

      • Fixed some spacing issue at the beginning of March

      • Fixed an issue where power were not being displayed for NPCs

March 23, 2021

  • Changes to our JavaScript build system.

  • Updates to the circle tool that allows users to create barriers of light and vision.

  • Strengthened our token download functionality.

  • Fixed an issue causing popups to take up the whole screen in mobile browsers.

March 16, 2021

  • Pathfinder 2 Character Sheet:

    • Dropping an NPC from the compendium now adds “feet” to its land speed, if necessary

  • Back end code enhancements to fortify our site infrastructure

March 9, 2021

  • Character Sheet Enhancements!

    • We’ve implemented a new sanitization method for character sheets. The new system will be the default going forward, but you will still be able to opt-in to the legacy system. All existing sheets, including games with custom sheets, will be automatically opted-in to the legacy system. Check out more information here!

  • New integrated Macro Quick Bar

February 16, 2021

  • Added a low light brightness option to the Default Settings.

  • Made it so dim light no matter the distance stays consistent in its look until it fades off at the edges.

    • We also fixed the particles around the border between dim and bright light and gave GMs a slider so they can customize just how dark they want the dim light to be.

    • Users can set how dark they want dim light to be on a token by token basis, too!

  • The My Marketplace Items page now shows items claimed via coupon redemption.

  • On the Pathfinder 2 character sheet, we’ve made it so that, when the option to show buttons for a 2nd or 3rd strike is enabled, you will have the option to roll those strikes directly from the chat window.

February 9, 2021

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Total Light input value to not reflect the calculation in the Bright and Dim Light settings inputs

  • Fixed an issue where Dynamic Lighting lines would be ignored when some players moved two or more tokens they control at once

February 5, 2021 Hotfix

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing the chat window from popping out when double clicked.

February 3, 2021

January 12, 2021

  • Updated the WebRTC Icons to reflect more commonly identifiable symbols

  • Improved the resiliency of the VTT to not break when a window is shrunk or minimized

  • Esper Genesis Compendium Entry was added

  • Link changes for mobile site

  • Report A Bug in the Toolbar redirects to Help Center

  • "Game Player" badge is removed from a given game’s forum posts after a player leaves said game

  • Pathfinder 2

    • Resolved issue where the total bulk of the inventory was wrong if capacity items total was superior to stowed items bulk.

    • PCs and NPCs spellcasters spell uses (current and maximum) should not reset anymore when opening the sheet.

January 4, 2021

  • Users can upload multiple images at once to an existing card deck, with each image creating a new card with the name of the associated file.

  • Resolved a bug that prevented people from uploading images as card backs for their card decks

  • The Token Aura Label has been changed to reflect Radius instead of Diameter

  • There are now two additional breakpoints for resizing a preview image of a rollable token. If you resize the preview window for a rollable token, the preview will also resize. This addresses an issue where the preview for rollable tokens was too small.

  • Removed the empty space in the middle of the context menu in the Journal tab

  • Resolved issue where the VTT on zoom clipped over the sidebar

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