Library and Autosave

This suite of tools offers a fast and easy solution to managing the maps created by Dungeon Scrawl Pro subscribers.


To access the Library, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+O or you can click "File" in the top left of the screen and select "Library" from the drop down menu.

Once you have opened the Library, you should see a pop up window with some additional steps. If you've already started creating your map, you will see a thumbnail depicting it like the image below.

my library.png

This interface will allow you to manage your other projects including creating new projects as well as renaming or deleting other projects you have created.

To navigate to a different project, simply click the thumbnail and it will load your project right away. The projects are ordered by which was opened most recently starting with the most recent at the top.

To rename or delete a project, simply hover over the thumbnail and click the three dots that appear in the bottom right of the card.


Autosave refers to your projects being automatically saved as you add to and modify them. You can know that autosave is working by checking the very top right of the interface where you should see a status icon showing a few different states.

autosave status.png

These states tell you the current activity of the autosave feature so that you know when your project is safe!

Disabling Autosave

If you decide to disable autosave, this will also disable the Library interface as well as removing the mention of the Library or autosave from the interface.

Upon refresh or revisiting Dungeon Scrawl, you will be prompted to enable autosave if you would like to access the features again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Library replace multiple Maps on one project?

No. The "Maps" feature in the top right is still available and will also be saved with the Autosave feature.

Why can't I access the Library?

Most likely, it was opted out at some point. Refreshing or restarting your browser should ask you to opt-in again to re-access the library. Everything will still be there.

Can I still export/import maps?

Yes. The Library and Autosave features are part of a cloud storage offering for Dungeon Scrawl Pro subscribers. However, both Pro and free users can still utilize manual import/export features the same as before.

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