
The Roll20 Community Forums are provided to allow the community to ask questions, help each other solve problems, and discuss the use of Roll20. (See the Code of Conduct for proper use rules.)

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(give direct feedback on in-development features)
Suggestions Forum Votes 0 +5 +10

How to Post

  1. To post to the Forums you must be logged in to Roll20.
    • If you are logged in, you will see a message in the upper right corner that says Welcome, <your name>.
    • If you see Sign In ▾:
  2. View the Full Forum by clicking the View Forum » link to the right of the forum name.
  3. Click the Post New Topic button at the top right of the Forum's main page.
  4. Add a descriptive Topic Title and fill in the body of your post, then click Post Topic to submit your post.
    • Note: If you made an error in the body of your post, you can edit it by clicking the post and selecting the Edit option just below the title. Be sure to click Save Edits when you are done!

Where to Post

There are several different forums you may have access to, each with it's own purpose.

  • Announcements (Restricted)
    • Platform & website updates and general Roll20-related Announcements from the Roll20 staff are listed here.
  • Pro (Premium)
    • If you have subscribed at the Pro level, you have access to the Pro forum. Upcoming features and possible changes get posted and discussed here by the Roll20 staff. Pro subscribers often discuss the general application of advanced features here as well.
  • Specific Use Questions & Macros (Standard)
    • A place to ask for general help using Roll20. Questions about how to use features, how to write dice expressions, how to create macros, etc. are all appropriate for here.
  • Character Sheets & Compendium (Standard)
    • Discussion of the HTML/CSS character sheets and OGL Compendiums, requests for sheets of a particular system, release of new sheets for Pro Subscribers to test, etc.
  • Mods (API) (Standard)
    • Discussion of the Javascript API, requests for particular scripts, Mods (API) related errors (caused by scripts) help, script releases, etc. Be sure to take advantage of the Code format option when posting javascript. 
    • Note: Macros are not the same thing as Mod (API) scripts. Macro questions belong in the Specific Use Questions & Macros forum.
  • Roll20 Marketplace & Creative Content (Standard)
    • Share Roll20 Specific Live Streaming, Video, or Podcast Content. Provide Feedback to Marketplace Artists & Ask About Becoming a Creator
    • Note: Only Approved Marketplace Creators Can Share Art in this Forum. Be sure to read This Sticky Thread first before posting to the subforum.
  • Looking for Group (Standard)
    • Posts looking for players for a game, or looking for someone to run a game for your group. You should prefer the Looking for Group Tool over the forum, as it has many advantages or a simple forum post.
  • Bug Reports & Technical Issues (Standard)
    • If you're having a problem with Roll20 that is an actual technical issue, post your problem here. Be sure to read the Submitting Bug Reports: Read First post before creating your thread.
  • Suggestions & Ideas (Voting Forum)
    • A place to post suggestions for the Roll20 Development staff to consider and the community to discuss and support. This is a voting forum, and has special rules regarding how to post, see the Forum Voting FAQ for more information. When posting a new suggestion, be sure to look and see if others have already posted a similar suggestion, and consider commenting and support it instead.

Formatting a Post

When posting on the Forums, you have several formatting options at your disposal. Generally, you can get away with just posting raw text as you write it, but there are some times when formatting can help get your point across more clearly.

When posting Macros, Dice Expressions, or Mod (API) Code Snippets, consider using the Code format option, available by clicking the paragraph symbol ( ¶ ) and selecting it from the list.

Forum User Tags

Beside a user's name, you may see a rounded colored tag. These help fellow forum users know of the roles a particular poster has.

The following is a list of the forum tags you may come across:

Tag Description

The Roll20 Team are the individuals responsible for the creation, maintenance, and implementing future improvements of the platform.

The Roll20 Forum Moderators moderate the official Roll20 forums.

The Production Team are contracted individuals who create officially converted licensed content. They also create and maintain our official Character Sheets and Mods (API).
Community members who have gone above and beyond assisting their fellow users. This badge recognizes their past and continued efforts for the community.

This tag is given to any user who has supplied creative content to the Roll20 Marketplace.

This tag is given to any user who has successfully submitted a community character sheet.

This tag is given to any user who as submitted a community Mod (API) script.

This tag is given to any user who is part of the volunteer Roll20 Translator Program.

This user tag is given to users who helped launch Roll20 with the Kickstarter Campaign.

This user tag is given when a user has subscribed to the Pro tier.
This user tag is given when a user has subscribed to the Plus tier.
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