Additional Subscriber Features

This page covers subscriber perks and benefits that do not require their own page of documentation.

Unlimited Players and Games

  Free Plus Pro
Unlimited Players and Games

At Roll20, we don't want to put a hamper on the number of adventures you can go on or the number of adventurers you can journey with. As a result, no matter the subscriber level, all of our users can create an unlimited number of games and play with an unlimited number of people in those games. Party on!

No Ads

  Free Plus Pro
No Ads  

Ads help us keep the lights on, and becoming a subscriber is the best way to help support the Roll20 VTT platform (and it's army of goblins keeping the gears turning!) As such, subscribers and free users in games created by subscribers won't have to wait for ads when joining games on Roll20.

Profile Badge

  Free Plus Pro
Profile Badge  

We like to recognize and acknowledge our subscribers who help make Roll20 and it's furthered development possible. One of the perks of becoming a subscriber means you get a nifty badge on your profile and in the forums that helps others in our community recognize your contribution to our platform!

Custom Game Backgrounds

  Free Plus Pro
Custom Game Backgrounds  

As a subscriber, you can have your game's immersion start at the landing page.

External Journal Access

  Free Plus Pro
External Journal Access  


If your GM is a Plus or Pro subscriber, you can easily view your External Journal entries outside of the app. Located on the Game Details page, under the Content drop-down menu, along with access to your Chat Archive and Game Forums.


This is great for checking up on things in-between gaming sessions without the hassle of loading up the whole tabletop. You can also keep the External Journal open in a separate tab or browser window, or even on another screen. The External Journal updates in real-time. So if a change is made to a character’s bio, you don’t need to reload, you’ll see the change right away. This really enables you to use the External Journal as a play aid during your Roll20 games.

Pro Tokens

  Free Plus Pro
Pro Token Sets    

We work with some great artists on the Marketplace, and we've commissioned some of the best to work for you.

Pro users get access to a vast library with hundreds of tokens for a wide variety of game types-- there's no faster way to quickly sample characters from the Marketplace.

Check out all the tokens currently included.

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