Using Our Looking for Group Tool

Use the Roll20 Looking for Group (LFG) tool as a player to search for games to join or use it to list your upcoming games if you are a GM in need of a party. If you are looking to play right now, use the Pick Up Game system to find groups that are in the process of teaming up. You can also use the Player Directory to search for individual players looking for games, find others to form a party, or list yourself as a player looking for a home.

Explore Looking for Group Listings

If you are looking to join a game on Roll20 you can search our Looking for Group page for games. 

Once you’ve logged into Roll20, you can access the LFG search page in three possible ways. You can click on the Join A Game button on the home page, from the Games drop-down menu, or by using the Join A Game button on the My Games page. 



All Looking for Group Listings can be viewed at the bottom of the LFG search page.

Pick Up Games

Pick Up Games (PUGs) are special Looking for Group listings that players can join immediately. These games allow players and game masters to be brought together and start the game right away. PUGs can be used to have a spontaneous game quickly with very little planning, to fill in the last few slots come game time, or replicate the convention gaming experience.

To join a Pick Up Game, visit the Join a Game section of Roll20. The right side of the page will show Pick Up Games that are starting soon. The game information includes the name of the game, the game system, the number of players joined and the number of players needed. Click on the name of the game to see more details.

The pick up game listing automatically refreshes every 60 seconds, so you do not need to reload the page. All games are displayed starting 2 hours before the game starts, and stop displaying 30 minutes after the start time has passed, or when the game has filled up.

To join a Pick Up Game, click the game name in the listing and scroll down to the player listing. Click the Join Game button. You can click the Launch Game button and you will immediately join the game.

Note: If you have been removed from the game, banned from the forums, or if the game has already filled up, you will not be able to join the game.

Creating a Pick Up Game is covered below in "creating a game listing".

Narrow Your Search

You can use the search box "Find Games to Join" to narrow down the listings.



Click on Advanced Search Options to reveal more search options.




You can search by different criteria such as game system / rule system, language, keywords, day, and approximate starting time. The LFG tool displays the game time in your timezone making it easy to see which games match your preferences. There are even options to search games that welcome new players or enable games with Mature Content(18+). Games with Mature Content(18+), including your own game, will NOT show in the search unless this box is checked.

Once you have selected your criteria, click the blue "Find Games" button to view your results below the search box.

Looking for Group Listings and Pages

Your Looking for Group Listings contains a game image, information on the GM, the name & description of the game, and meta data that provides you with a snapshot of the game and scheduling details.

Review the listings that match your search criteria and click a game name to navigate to its LFG listing page.

The LFG listing page contains more detailed information on the game and its schedule, how many players are needed, and has its own Listing Discussion area where you can request to join the game or ask questions.

Create Looking for Group Listings

Navigate to your Virtual Tabletop once you’ve logged into Roll20. Locate the game that you would like to list. Click on the game's title or icon to load the Game Details.
Set up your Game Details page completely before you setup your listing. You must include the type of game - select the Other Games option if you do not see your title listed - and date of the next game in order to post to the Looking for Group Listings. You can also add a game icon and add a description of your game.
Note: When using the Other Games option you should still add your game title to your description - this will allow users to search for your game via Keyword.

How to Create a Pick Up Game Listing

Looking for Group listings are not Pick Up Games by default. Instead, they are opted into. After you create your game and LFG listing as normal, you must also check the “Pick Up Game” option in order to set the listing as a Pick Up Game.

Two hours before the game’s start time (and until 30 minutes after the start time), the listing will show in the Pick Up Games section in the Join a Game section. Any player will be able to join immediately and start playing. If you reach your Total Players Needed, the listing will be removed from the list.

Note: Players who have ever been Removed from the game will be unable to rejoin the PUG game through this process. If the kick was unintentional, the removed player will only be able to rejoin via a Join Link or Invitation.

Activating Listings

Once all of the Details for your game have been filled in, click the Looking for Players (Disabled) drop-down arrow. This reveals the Manage Listing link.

Explore all options on the Game Details page to add more information to your game, adjust your settings, communicate with your party, and review old chat communication in the archive.

Note: The External Journal feature allows you to view your Characters and Handouts from this page outside of the main game. This feature is available to Pro or Plus accounts.

Follow the link to a Create Looking for Group Listing page to begin setup. Please read the page and our terms of service thoroughly. When you are ready to create your listing, click the Create LFG Listing for *Your Title* Game button.

Once clicked, you will be taken to your Looking for Players Listing page. Your listing is now active. If your game marked as disabled, it is likely something is missing from your details page. The Listing Status box to the left of the Looking for Players Listing page displays the missing information.

Listing Page Setup

Fill out all necessary information and click Save. Active listings will automatically be shown to players in the LFG tool search results. Listings can take up to 2 hours to show up on the site.

Determining the Order of Your Game Listing

A game’s ranking in the LFG system is affected in various ways. You can improve your game’s rank through specificity and completeness. There are multiple aspects that affect a game’s position in the search positively, such as:

  • Including a game image and description
  • Using a single game system tag
  • Scheduling games less than 3 months out
  • Smaller group sizes
  • Discussion (forum)
Listing Discussion (forum)

Each listing has its own Listing Discussion (forum). In this section you can post information on the game and instructions on how to apply for potential new players. Players can in turn post questions of their own. The Listing Discussion is a public board that you can use to communicate your needs as a GM and is separate from the private game Discussion Forum.


Inviting others into your game via your LFG listing

If someone posts on your LFG's Listing Discussion forum, you can easily invite them by clicking on a big blue button next to their username.

GM's view of an Invite button

Remove Looking for Group Listings

When the maximum number of players have been reached, your listing will automatically be disabled. You can remove your listing anytime. Login into your account and navigate to your Virtual Tabletop. Locate the game you would like to remove and click the View Details link.

Look to the Game Tools area and click the Looking for Players Listing (Active) link.

Listing Status

On the left side of your Looking for Players Listing page you will see a Listing Status box. Click the Disable Listing button to remove your game from the LFG Listings. Your listing status will change to "Not Shown". The Enable Listing button will be visible for you to use if you want to put your game back on the Looking for Group Listings.



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