Table on Tablet

Table On Tablet Is Undergoing Maintenance

Table on Tablet is undergoing maintenance at this time, which may impact your play on non-desktop devices. If you’re experiencing issues when trying Table on Tablet, we recommend you switching to Roll20 on a Desktop instead.

This page discusses how to access the full features of Roll20 via tablet. Only Apple and Android tablet devices (including the iPad Air, Nexus 9, and more) are officially supported at this time.

How do I activate "Table on Tablet" Support?

When you login to Roll20 using your tablet's web browser, it should "just work" when you launch a game. Do be advised that it is optimized for tablet, not phones, and we have no plans to attempt phone support.

Tips for Using Roll20 Table on Tablet 

Sidebar Tap the button along the sidebar to hide or show the sidebar.

Right-click menu Since there is no "right-click" on tablets, if you want to bring up the advanced menu for tokens (which you would normally do by right-clicking on a token), just tap and hold on the token for about a second and a half, then release. The advanced menu will pop up and you can proceed.

Panning vs Selecting One finger is used for selecting and manipulating (moving, resizing, etc.) tokens on the tabletop. If you single-tap and hold on a blank area, you will perform a ping. Single-tap and hold on a token to bring up the advanced menu.

Tap with two or more fingers at once, then drag to pan around the tabletop.

Remember to hide the keyboard Browsers have a tendency to show the keyboard as often as possible, which can make it hard to scroll and move around the screen. Remember that there is often a button on the keyboard which will hide it manually so that you can get your screen real estate back.

Sound and music limitations There is currently a limitation in the Safari browser which will only allow it to play one sound at a time. This means that you can only play one jukebox track at once.

Video Chat is Unsupported Table on Tablet doesn't currently support Flash or WebRTC, so it is currently not possible to use video chat while you are playing in Roll20. You may use Skype mobile (with your desktop counterparts using Skype for desktop) to have a voice chat going while you are using the browser, though.

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