Token Features

Creating a New Token

Any image that is placed on the Objects and Tokens or the GM Info Overlay layer will automatically become a Token object. You can always scale the token image by right-clicking and selecting Advanced >> Set Dimensions. You can also make use of a grid that can influence other methods of changing image scale (i.e. Image Handles) to greatly simplify the process.

Resizing and Rotating Tokens

Every token is accompanied by image handles on each of the corners of the token and in the middle of each side. You can use these image handles to change the size of the token. Additionally, each token has a rotation handle that juts out from the token itself. The rotation handle represents the "front" of the token and can be used to orient the token to face any desired direction.

If you are using a grid for your play area, typically when resizing a token, it will snap to the grid. You can temporarily turn off this feature by holding the Alt key while resizing using the image handles. This can be very useful when aligning tokens that do not have identical dimensions.

Token Layout


Radial Bubbles

These three input bubbles can be used by players or the GM to keep track of health, turns, money, or any other useful metric for your game. By clicking on the bubble, you can change the value. You can enter a new value (i.e. "20" or "ABC"). For numerical values you can also enter relative values (i.e. "+5" will add 5 to the current value).

Bar Overlay

If dynamic bars are set to visible, their input value will change based on what is entered in the matching colored bubble. For more information, see Bars and Auras in the Token Settings section.


If the nameplate is set to be visible, the name of the Token is displayed. For more information see Name in the Token Settings section.

Token Settings Button

Clicking the Settings Cog button opens a new window. There you can name the Token, set permissions for Token control, manage visible/editable bars/auras for players, and store GM notes. You can also double-click on the token to open the same settings dialog.

This button is only visible to GMs within the game.

Token Markers

This button rolls out a menu that gives you a series of colored dots, a red X and over 40 different token markers that overlay over the Token image. You can use these to show status effects, ailments, or to differentiate multiples of the same Token type. You can have multiple Token Markers displaying simultaneously.

You can add a numeral to individual Token Markers by mousing over the desired Token Marker in the roll-out menu and tapping "0" through to "9" on the keyboard or numpad. A red numeral will appear on the Token Marker. Tapping "0" will clear the numeral from the Token Marker (but the Token Marker remains until it is clicked again in the menu).

The default position for the Token Markers is across the top of the token. You can choose to have Token Markers run along the bottom, right or left side by going to the Token Bar Colors + Display Settings section on the My settings tab on the Sidebar and selecting the layout from the Marker Position: drop-down menu. TokenMarkers.png

Token Settings

Token settings are split into Details, GM Notes, and Dynamic Lighting tabs. You can seamlessly switch between tabs while editing your token information. All changes update in real-time.



Represents Character

Tokens set to represent a Character will fetch the information found in the Can Be Edited & Controlled By settings in the selected character handout allowing for simple permission assignment. Furthermore, when a token represents a character, it can fetch information from the character handout's Attributes & Abilities and utilize it in the Token Bars.

If a token represents a character you can open the Bio & Info Tab  of that character by holding Shift and double-clicking the token. Holding Alt while double-clicking the token will instead open the Character Sheet Tab if one is available, otherwise it will open the Attributes & Abilities Tab.

For more information on how to establish a link between tokens and characters, please see the Linking Tokens and Characters section.


Here you can set the name of the Token. If you choose to use the Turn Tracker in your game, the Token's name will appear next to its thumbnail picture in the turn list.

Controlled By

This is where you assign who in your game has permission to control the Token. If the Token represents None/Generic then clicking on the "Controlled By" field will bring up a list of all the players in the current game as well as being able to select the option "All Players". You can assign multiple players to a single Token. If the Token represents a specific Character, then the Token is controlled by the player that has control of the Character. A GM always has control over the Tokens in their Game.

If you are creating a brand new Game and your players have yet to join, their names will not yet be available for Token assignment. If you're setting your game up in advance of your first session, it's recommended to set your Tokens to "All Players" and later fine-tune the permissions when your players have joined.

Tint Color

Here you can add a color filter to the Token. The default tint color is transparent.

Token Bars


This is where you can set whether any of the three bar elements are either visible and/or editable to the players. You can input numerical values for the Radial Bubbles directly from the Edit Token window. There are two input fields available for each Bar. The first field is for the Bar's current value and is what's featured in the Token's corresponding Radial Bubble. The second field is for the Bar's total value. If it is supplied, Roll20 will use the comparison between the two numbers to render how full or empty that corresponding Bar appears on the Tabletop. The fill will reflect whatever the Player plugs into their Bar Value Bubble while in-game.

Note that if the Token has selected an option for Represents Character, you can choose to link each bar to specific Character Attributes. When you modify the value in the Token bar through Token settings, radial bubbles, or Character settings, the value will automatically update.

In some modules/addons, the bars may be pre-set by the creator. You are free to assign these to fit your needs and the needs of your players should you so choose.

Hover to See Token Bars


With this option, toggleable via "My Settings" > "Graphics", you can select to change the behavior of token health bars and name plate visibility. Instead of always being hidden or visible, they will appear on hover instead of click. GMs will be able to set this setting for all of the game’s tokens from the VTT, but it will not be the default setting.



This text box will allow you to add tooltips that can be read by a screen reader to a token.After entering the text for the tooltip make sure there is a checkmark in the box labeled “Show”. Tooltip text will appear below the token when the mouse is held over that token. There is a 150 character limit for text entered into the tooltip text field.


Token Lock


GMs can lock tokens in place by right clicking the token navigating to the "Advanced" section and selecting "Lock position". You can unlock the token by following the same steps.

You can utilize this feature to lock down maps on the map layer when you are creating your detailed scenes. Thus an accidental click doesn't mess up your hard work.

Token Bar OptionsToken_Bar_Options.png

This is where you can set where the three token bar elements appear. By default, token bar elements are positioned "Above," where all bars are located above the token. "Top Overlapping" allows the bottommost bar to overlap the top of the token, while the remaining bars float above it. "Bottom Overlapping" causes the topmost bar to overlap the bottom of the token, while the rest float below it. Choosing "Below" makes all bars float below the token.

This is where you choose the visual appearance of the token bar elements. The default Standard setting shows a larger bar with text overlay. The Compact option will provide a smaller bar with no text overlay.

Token Aura


An Aura is a translucently filled circle or square that radiates from the center of a Token. You can have a maximum of two active Auras on a Token simultaneously. To turn one on, hold your mouse over the three vertical dots and make sure there is a check in the box next to See. Then enter a radius value for the Aura. You can set the Aura to a square instead of a circle by selecting "Square" from the Shape dropdown menu. Tint Color will bring up a palette where you can change the color of the aura.

GM Notes

This tab contains a text entry field where a GM can keep private notes on any given Token. Any notes listed here are only visible to the GM.


Dynamic Lighting

For more information about this tab please see Dynamic Lighting Token Settings.

Syncing Tokens and Characters

Using Token Settings to sync tokens and characters can automate a significant portion of the necessary record-keeping in games. For more information on syncing tokens and characters visit our page Selecting a token for your character sheet.

Once a token is attached to a character, the token settings can be updated using the Edit Token Properties button located under the Default Token. Once those changes are made, all new tokens dropped for that character will reflect the changes. If you want the new changes to be reflected in all tokens that have previously been dropped on the map, use the Apply Token Defaults button to apply these changes on every existing Character token. 


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