Linking Tokens to Journals

Having trouble dragging the token to the map from the Journal? It is important to make sure you are dragging it appropriately. If you select only the icon (or three horizontal bars) to the left of the name and drag that to the map, it will not place the token on the map. You must select the name itself and drag it to the map. Then, the token will be placed on the map with everything set properly as described below.

Connecting Tokens to Character Sheets

Connecting tokens to character sheets and vice versa is easy with this Roll20 Tutorial. We also share troubleshooting tips and tell you how to use multiple tokens for the same creature.


Linking Tokens and Art

As of September 21st, 2022 you are now able to directly set token art and settings for Default Tokens via the character sheet edit window. You can do this by uploading the art or dragging directly from your art library to the character edit window.

This functionality is also available to players as they can now access their Art Library to take advantage of this update.

Note: Assets dragged into the "Default Token" area will be automatically sized to 1x1. If the token should be larger or a different dimension, then drag the token to the play area, resize, and then click the "Use Selected Token" button to save the properly sized image.


From here, you can click the "Edit Token Properties" window to configure default settings for the token such as health, auras, vision settings, etc.

When a token is updated/edited using this button, after the settings are saved the default token is also updated -- eliminating previous need to remove and resave a default token for permanent changes to tokens.

Note: If you make changes to a token by opening the token settings from the play area (The cogwheel in the radial menu or double left click on the token) then these changes will NOT sync to the default token. If you'd like to save the version on the play area as the new default token, then simply re-open the character sheet, click edit, and click the "Use Selected Token" button. This will override any existing default token.

How to Link Your Token

Below is a step by step guide utilizing previous best practices for setting a default token. Much here is handled in a more automated fashion via the steps mentioned in the "Linking Tokens and Art" section. However, the below steps are still great for first time users to get a more in-depth understanding of the Roll20 system and how tokens function.

First, decide if your token represents a CHARACTER or a MINION.

A CHARACTER is a unique being. This token represents one, and only one, Journal Entry, and this Journal Entry represents one, and only one, token. Player characters are Characters. So are most NPCs (those with names). Some 'monsters' can be Characters as well; if there's only one instance of this being, ever, it's a Character.

A MINION is not a unique being; this token represents one of many similar or identical creatures. A horde of goblins is made up of minion, for example. A leader goblin may or may not be a character, depending on the situation. The Goblin King is a Character, not a minion, as there is only one Goblin King. Some NPCs may be minion: generic townspeople, for example, are minions until and unless they are given a specific personality, name, or other reason to identify them differently than others; in this rare case, create them anew as Character tokens.

If your token is neither a Character nor a Minion, do none of these; it's just an item!

Now the tricky part; this needs to be done exactly in this order to work properly:

  1. Set up Journal entry with HP and other vital stats (Such as Hit Points, Armor Class, Movement, etc.)
  2. On that tabletop: Create token to represent creature ​(Find one that looks like what you want, and place it on the board.)
  3. On the tabletop: In the token's tools, link token to journal entry (Represents Character dropdown menu)
  4. In the Token Tools: Link token's bars to journal's Attributes (Bar 1,2,3 dropdown menu) (By general consensus, Bar 1 usually represents Hit Points. 2 and 3 often indicate Armor Class and Movement.)
  5. If "Minion", UNLINK token's Bar 1,2,3 dropdown from stats (numbers will stay but will no longer be linked)
  6. Make 100% sure token is set up the way you want it (Character bars are linked; Minion bars are NOT linked)
  7. Open Journal entry for that Token
  8. Select Token on map (token must be highlighted)
  9. In Journal Entry, click Use Selected Token
  10. Save your work

​Test by dragging multiple copies from the Journal onto the map. Change Hit Points on one copy; if the others change, it's done right! (Unless it's a Minion... if the others do not change, it's done right!)

​PC tokens will always carry over changes to new maps. ​Minion tokens will never carry over changes; each new token is unique.

TL;DR: Remember that when you set the token, it is saved EXACTLY as it is. So, be sure to have all the properties just the way you want them before you complete step #9!

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