Integrated Voice and Video

Roll20’s in-browser Voice and Video Chat doesn’t require you to install any plugins or widgets in order to use. All you need is a working microphone and webcam/camera/cam to easily communicate with other players in a game.

As of February 13th, 2023 our latest iteration of Voice and Video Chat is now the default option for all newly created games. This new implementation of WebRTC focuses on stability and ease of use for a straightforward and quick setup.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with the Integrated Voice & Video Chat system, we recommend walking through the Integrated Voice and Video Troubleshooting.

Integrated Voice and Video Bandwidth Requirements

Roll20's Integrated Voice and Video utilizes WebRTC. WebRTC can only be used in web browsers that natively support it. Roll20's officially supported browsers, Chrome and Firefox, are both compatible.

Integrated Voice and Video runs on a peer-to-peer framework which means that every additional player in a call will add to the bandwidth requirements for that game for a stable experience. For reference, Integrated Voice and Video should be able to handle a 5 person call on most systems.

Enabling and Disabling Integrated Voice and Video Chat

Getting started is quick and easy! If it is your first time joining a table, you will be prompted by your browser to allow Roll20 access to your camera and microphone. Select the options to "allow" your desired peripherals (Note: if you deny access, Integrated Voice and Video will NOT function).

Once you are in the game, you should see your avatar/profile picture on the screen slightly grayed out with a prompt saying "Join voice & video"-- simply click the frame and you are in!

If you denied access previously and need to re-enable them, you can see the sections below regarding Device Permissions.

Swapping from Legacy Voice and Video

If your game is using a different voice and video chat technology, you can do the following steps to swap over. 

Note: Only the GM/Game Creator can change this setting. Players cannot choose individually.

  1. Access the settings tab in the right-hand sidebar menu
  2. Expand the "Audio & Video" section
  3. Under "Chat Tech" choose "Integrated Voice & Video" from the drop down menu
  4. Wait for the page to refresh for the GM and players
  5. Ensure permissions are enabled for the browser and click "join voice & video" on your avatar

From here you should be good to go!

Managing Browser Device Permissions for the First Time

If this is your first time playing in a game that has WebRTC active, your browser will prompt you to give Roll20 device permission to utilize your webcam/camera and microphone before you connect with other players. Unless you have set strict permission restrictions on your browser, you’ll only need to do this once.

Device Permissions In Google Chrome

A dialog box will appear along the very top of your browser screen. Click "Allow".


Note that you can use the camera icon located in the far-right of your address bar to change the settings of what camera/microphone is being used.


Device Permissions In Mozilla Firefox

A dialog box will appear in the upper left-hand corner of the browser to choose which webcam or microphone devices you would like to use. Once you have your options selected and are ready to go, use the Allow button. If for some reason a dialog box does not appear or if you wish to change your device settings after the game has started, use the Red Camera or Microphone icon in the address/search bar to remove the permissions. The browser tab will refresh and bring back the permission dialog box.


Individual Voice and Video Settings

Both GM and Players have the ability to disable or enable what is transmitted and/or received from other players. If you only own a microphone and not a webcam, you can adjust your settings to transmit voice only. This will force Roll20 to skip attempting to locate and activate a webcam that doesn’t exist on your device. If you have a limited internet connection, you can change your settings to only receive audio and not video, which will help save on bandwidth.


Broadcast and Receive Settings

Under Audio & Video of the Settings tab are the two sets of options for "Others can hear or see" and "I can hear or see."

The Others Can Hear Or See menu controls whether or not you broadcast Both (Voice and Video), Voice only, Video only, or None to other players in the game. If you’re lacking a webcam or microphone device, you typically don't need to change these broadcast settings for this to work. However, it can help speed up the initial connection process to other players if you specifically tell Roll20 to skip over connection attempts to a device that is not available.

The I Can Hear Or See menu controls whether or not you will receive Both (Voice and Video), Voice only, Video only, or None from other players.

If you want to disable Integrated Voice and Video entirely for yourself, adjust both options' settings to None.

Typically you will need to refresh the page or re-join the game for these settings to fully kick into effect.


Once you have your settings adjusted to the way you want them, here are some additional features that can improve your experience.

Selecting Specific Audio and Video Devices

If you have multiple microphone and webcam/camera devices connected to your computer, you are able to specifically choose which ones you want to use for broadcasting and receiving video and audio.

In the Video + Audio Chat Options section are drop-down menus for Audio Input Source (your chosen microphone device) and Video Input Source (your chosen webcam/camera device).

Video/Avatar Location

You can set the avatar portraits to either align to the top or the bottom of the Tabletop via the Player Video/Avatar Location menu option (In-game Settings > Audio & Video > Video Display > Player video/avatar location). By default, avatars are aligned to the bottom of the Tabletop.

Mic Input Indicator

Between the user's Name Tag and Avatar there is a small bar that lights up when it detects microphone activity. This is the "Mic Input Indicator" and it should help Voice-Only games determine which player is speaking at any given time during gameplay.

Muting your microphone

On your own Avatar, you'll find the Mic Mute button displayed as a microphone icon. You can use this to mute your mic if you don't have the physical means for it on your microphone itself. A pink indicator will appear in the upper left corner of your Avatar if you are currently muted. This icon status can be seen by the GM.

Pausing your camera

While Video is active in a call, a "pause" icon will appear to the right of the Mute button over your Avatar's portrait. This is the Pause Video button. Using this button will toggle your camera on and off. If your camera is toggled off, you and others in the game will see a black square until it is unpaused.


A GM can whisper directly to a player in the game when Voice is active in a connection. When the GM hovers their mouse over a player’s Avatar, a speech bubble icon appears on the upper right-hand corner. This is the Whisper Player button. Click on this button to toggle on Whisper mode. While the GM is whispering, other players who aren't in on the whisper will have their avatars grayed out to the GM and the Player being whispered to and will no longer be heard.

Likewise, those players not in on this private conversation will see the GM and the whispered player as grayed and will not be able to hear what is being whispered. The group not privy to the whispered conversation can still talk amongst one another like usual.

To exit whispering, simply click the "exit whisper" button that appeared where the whisper button once was (a left facing arrow). Everyone's Avatars and Voice feeds will return to normal once the GM toggles off the Whisper Player button.


The GM can add multiple players to a whisper by simply clicking the whisper player button in the top right for everyone they would like to whisper to. To exit multi-whisper simply use the exit whisper buttons on the player avatars.

Having Trouble? 

If you or your group are experiencing troubles with voice and video, you should be sure to try the following:

Individual reconnect

If one player is having issues connecting to everyone, they can access the "Reconnect" button directly via the in-game settings menu: Settings > Audio & Video > Reconnect.

You may also try refreshing the page and cache directly using Shift+F5.

Direct reconnect

If there is only one connection that appears to be struggling, each avatar has a "reconnect" button in the top right when hovering over the portrait. Simply click the circular arrow icon to directly reconnect with that user.

Prefer Relay Candidates

In cases where connections between players are still not happening, toggling this feature can force an alternate connection route. We only suggest using this as a last resort if no other options have worked as it can cause latency/lag.

If you are still experiencing trouble please review our Voice & Video Troubleshooting page.

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