Achievements are small badges which appear on your profile page as you accomplish certain tasks. Some achievements are easy to get, while others take some time. A complete listing of all available achievements has not been released, so this page is constructed from achievements that have been found by various users.
All Opinions are Valid |
Post on the Community Forums.
Arcane Scriptomancer |
Create a Mod (API) script and submit it for community use.
Better to Give |
Gift subscription time to another user. Any amount is sufficient.
I Know You're Out There |
Post a game to the Looking For Group search tool.
Never Ending Story |
Run a game for six months.
Patron of the Arts |
Purchase an art pack from the Marketplace.
Read the Instructions |
Complete the tutorial.
Getting to Know You |
Complete your profile. This includes uploading an avatar picture, adding a bio, and adding a list of games you enjoy playing.
See Me Rollin' |
Add an avatar picture to your profile.
Scribe |
Fill out all fields in your games, specifically the "Playing" field. You have to do this for all of your games, and you must have at least 3 games.
Script Runner |
Use a Mod (API) script. This appears to only work with Mod (API) commands (of the !command variety) which are processed by a script; actions which trigger Mod (API) scripts but which are not API commands do not seem to grant this achievement, and Mod (API) commands which are not processed do not grant this achievement.
Mods (API) are a Pro subscriber perk. A game's creator must have a Pro subscription in order to install a Mod (API) script. However, any user in the game may use installed scripts.
Sheet Auteur |
Create a community character sheet. Creating a community sheet requires submitting it to the GitHub repository. While anyone may submit to the repository, only Pro subscribers are capable of creating custom sheets, and therefore only Pro subscribers are capable of accurately testing the sheets they create.
Translator |
Assist in translating Roll20 elements to another language.
Through the Gate |
Participated in the Jumpgate Beta.
Alpha Adopter |
Participated in the D&D 2024 Alpha
Achievement Series
The following achievements are each a collection of achievements that are awarded for repeating the same actions additional times. The section titles below will name only the first achievement in the series.
Bughunter |
Exterminator |
Post in the Bug Reports & Technical Issues forum. Bughunter is awarded for your first bug report, and Exterminator is awarded for your 10th bug report.
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Won't You Be My Neighbor? |
One Of Us |
Load the tabletop over a series of consecutive days. Won't You Be My Neighbor? is awarded for three days, and One Of Us is awarded for 10 days.
Consecutive is counted as having less than 24 hours between your last action and your next login. So, if you close the site at 6pm on day one, but don't log in till 7pm on day two it will not count as consecutive.
It is possible to earn these achievements without leaving the tabletop, if you're able and willing to leave your computer on for that duration. It does not require that you leave and re-enter the tabletop screen.
Getting Started
Getting Started |
Warming Up |
Getting Good |
Sands of Time |
My Time Is Come |
K Club |
Expert |
Log time on the virtual tabletop. Getting Started is awarded for 10 hours, Warming Up is awarded for 50 hours, Getting Good is awarded for 100 hours, Sands of Time is awarded for 250 hours, K Club is awarded for 1,000 hours, and Expert is awarded for 10,000 hours.
Group Gatherer
Group Gatherer |
Socialite |
Citizen |
Bureaucrat |
Representative |
Senator |
Play games with other users. Group Gatherer is awarded for playing with five other users, Socialite is awarded for playing with 10 other users, Citizen is awarded for playing with 25 other users, Bureaucrat is awarded for playing with 50 other users, Representative is awarded for playing with 100 other users, and Senator is awarded for playing with 250 other users.
Each of the 5-250 users you play with must be a different account.
I've Got An Idea
I've Got An Idea |
Friendly Neighborhood GM |
The Dedicated GM |
The Games Master |
Act as GM for games on Roll20. I've Got An Idea is awarded for one game, Friendly Neighborhood GM is awarded to five games, The Dedicated GM is awarded for 10 games, and The Games Master is awarded for 25 games.
The games you create must actually have at least 2 players, not counting the GM, in them in order to count.
Note: deleting a game will prevent that game from counting towards these achievements.
Them Bones
The "Them Bones" series of achievements is based on the number of rolls that occur within games. Making rolls with macros, sheets, chat commands, or the built in dice roller will count towards these achievements.
Them Bones |
Dice Slinger |
High Roller |
It's Raining Dice |
Roll20Con badges began in 2020 and are made available each year with a new design. To obtain one, you must log in during the Roll20Con event for that year.
Roll20Con 2020 |
Roll20Con 2021 |
Roll20Con 2022 |
Roll20Con 2023 |