How to Create a Character

You have joined a game in Roll20 and you need to create a character. This article helps you with the character creation process. The article covers the basics information such as how to add your character to your game, edit your character sheet and link character art and tokens.

Add Your Character

There are two methods to create a character. If your GM has the option to allow players to create characters enabled. The option will be available immediately upon joining the game. Navigate to the Journal tab in the right-side menu, then click the "+ Character" button. This will create a character and assign the appropriate permissions for you.

Jumpgate Multiple Sheets

In Jumpgate Enabled games, there is the option to use multiple sheets. If that is enabled, then a popup will appear asking you which sheet you would like to use when creating your character.

Note: Characters created in this way still belong to the GM. The GM can edit, move, and delete any characters added to a game.

If that option is not enabled, your GM may need to Add a Character in the Journal tab on their end. This will generate a character sheet with an auto-generated name that will become your character. Before you can access the character and start the character creation process, you need to ask your GM to assign you permissions. After granting you permissions, you can change the name of your character. The ability to Edit and Control can only be given to players who have joined the game. Therefore, the GM must wait for players to join before assigning character sheets.

Navigate Your Character Sheet

Once your Character Sheet is created and you are assigned Edit and Control permission, you can now edit your Character Sheet! Select your Character Sheet, click the Edit button at the top.


  1. Name
    • Input your character’s name.
  2. In Player’s Journals
    • The GM can allow all, some, or none of the players to be able to see the Character Sheet. Players can view a character sheet if they have the permission, but they also need Edit and Control permission to make changes.

    • Selecting "All Players" will allow all players in the game to view the sheet without needing to select each name individually.
  3. Can be Edited & Controlled By
    • The player who owns this character will be listed here. If you are unable to join a game session and wish for another party member to control your character, you can ask the GM to assign Edit and Control to someone else.
    • Selecting "All Players" will allow all players in the game to edit the sheet without needing to select each name individually.
  4. Tags
    • The GM can tag character sheets to create an easier way to search for them in the journal (such as “NPCs” or “BBEG”). This is useful for GMs that have a lot of characters in a game, but entirely optional. 
  5. Avatar
    • Drag and Drop, or upload the picture you would like to use for your character. You can ask your GM to help your out. This image will show up in the Journal tab with your character sheet. Note: If there's no default token, the image will show up when you drag it on the virtual tabletop.
  6. Default Token (Optional)
    • Once the GM has set up a Token on the tabletop for your Character and has configured any Vision & Light or token bar settings, you can link the token with the Character Sheet to keep those settings.
  7. Bio & Info
    • Feel free to write as much as you want about your character in this section. Any players with permission to see your sheet can see this space. It is a great place to keep campaign notes and thoughts.
  8. GM Notes (Only visible to GM)
    • Your GM may use this in many ways. They can keep track of any status effects, hidden agendas, your lines and veils, character backstory hooks, and more here. This space is only visible to the GM, so you can use it to write notes that you don't want the other players to see. (example below).


Selecting A Token For Your Character Sheet

When in edit mode, there are two ways to select a token for your character sheet. Under Free Assets, you can find goodies of all sorts of styles to use for your token, or you can upload your own image to use. Your GM may also have some other options as well, so make sure to ask!

Option 1: Add a token from your Art Library

After entering "Edit" mode on your Character, drag the token you'd like to use from your Art Library into the "Default Token" section of the character.

Note: Make sure to drag from the name of the token, not the icon image. If you are changing your token from a previous image make sure to press the remove button.

Option 2: Select an already placed token from the Map

First enter "Edit" mode on your Character.

Next, click the desired token on the map to select it. Select the token by ensuring it's highlighted with a light blue square, and then click the "Use Selected Token" button in the character edit window.


Building your character with the Roll20 Charactermancer

Are you playing D&D 5e or Pathfinder First Edition? You can take advantage of the Roll20 Charactermancer. The Charactermancer walks you through the process of creating your character. The Charactermancer can access any compendiums you own or that have been shared with the game.

If you are playing D&D 5e or Pathfinder First Edition, ask your GM if they want you to use the Charactermancer. You can also edit the Character Sheets manually, regardless of system. 

Using Your Character Sheet

No matter what system you are playing, using a Character Sheet Template makes it so much easier. While each system has very different sheets, they all work in the same way. When you click on the name of a skill, attack or make an ability check, Quantum Roll will roll for you, including modifiers.

Every Character Sheet keeps track of your basic stats, inventory, character level and abilities, and more.

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