Are your images failing to load on the site, or in the Virtual Tabletop (VTT)? Some Antivirus Software can falsely flag images on our site which prevents images from loading.
How To Fix
To enable the experimental image delivery service, head to your My Account page. Under your preferences, there's an option called Use Experimental Image Delivery Service. Set that to yes, and save your changes. The final step is clearing your cache: we recommend pressing Ctrl+Shift+R on your game page, as well as a full cache clear. Here you can find instructions for clearing your cache in Chrome and Firefox.
Other Possible Solutions
- You may want to attempt to whitelist "" in your antivirus software. If you're on Windows, Windows Defender is enabled by default- so make sure you're checking there too.
- Toggle your VPN. You may want to attempt to use a VPN with a different location to see if it improves your experience.
Still having issues?
Our developers are still looking at this issue while they implement a long-term fix. If none of this solves your issue, please reach out to us with the following information:
- Your Web Browser:
- The Browser Version:
- Any Browser Extensions:
- Your Operating System:
- If Javascript is enabled:
- Any Antivirus Software Enabled, Including Windows Defender:
- Any VPNs in Use:
- Your Internet Provider:
- Screenshots of your homepage and in-game pages: