D&D 2024 Level Up Limitations

When the builder for the D&D 2024 sheet by Roll20 initially launched, it did not include the ability to automatically level up characters after the sheet was built. This was intended to quickly follow the release of the sheet. As work continued, we uncovered a series of serious bugs within the Level Up feature which required significant changes to how data is stored.

As a result, if you previously used the builder to create a character before the Level Up feature was implemented, then it is not compatible. You can continue to use the sheet without leveling as well as utilize drag and drop and other features. In order to level up, you will be prompted to start the creation process over again.

We highly recommend maintaining a copy of the original character and remaking with a new character so you can reference any choices you made originally.

We apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this may cause. However, we are confident that this is a one-time deal, and moving forward the Level Up tool will be fully compatible with any future changes.

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