How do I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your subscription, navigate here and choose the Free tier. You can continue using the subscription until it expires. The subscription will not auto-renew after that. Please note that this action will not issue a refund. If you cancel your subscription within the grace period of 15 days and would like a refund, please contact support via our web form.
What happens to my games and/or account if I downgrade or cancel my subscription?
When downgrading or canceling a subscription, the related features will be temporarily paused and hidden. Upon resubscribing, everything will return exactly as you left it, including Dynamic Lighting lines on your map.
We have a small exception in your favor regarding storage quota. If a subscription change reduces your storage capacity, you can still use all the assets you have uploaded before. However, you will not be able to upload new assets until you free up space by removing some existing ones. Don't forget to check your audio assets as well!
How do I refund my subscription?
You would need to submit a request on our web form in order to process your refund.
Purchase and Payments > Subscription Refunds and Assistance > Subscription Refund
In your description, please include the email associated with your Roll20 account along with any other information you feel may be important for us to consider so we can best assist you. Refunds will be honored for Subscriptions if your last payment was made within the last 15 days from your initial request. You can view our full refund policy here.
I ran into an error/made a mistake. Can you help?
Contact us through our web form with a link to your Roll20 profile and information about the issue you have encountered. We will do our best to correct the situation and make sure the issues get resolved as soon as possible.