Mod (API) Issues

The following is meant to help users with technical issues related to Roll20 Mods (API). 

This page is about a feature exclusive to Pro subscribers, or to players in a Game created by a Pro subscriber. If you'd like to use this feature, consider upgrading your account.


First thing, please try our general troubleshooting steps (1-3) outlined in the Solving Technical Issues article. If those do not work, additional troubleshooting steps for Mod (API) issues are outlined below:

  • Check both your browser console log and the Mod (API) Output Console for additional information and errors
  • Review script-specific information on the GitHub library and Mod (API) Forum
  • Try logging out and logging back in to your Roll20 account
  • Troubleshoot only one game at a time - close all other instances of Roll20 that are not related to that game
  • Use two windows/tabs of Roll20 for troubleshooting - one for the Mod (API) Output Console and one for entering the game
  • Restart the Mod (API) Scripts Sandbox
  • Verify your scripts are updated
  • Disable scripts one at a time
  • Remove and re-install the scripts
  • Review the script syntax (i.e. Is all the spelling correct? Are you missing characters or do you have extra characters?)
  • Double-check your script and/or character sheet dependencies and review scripts for conflicting items (i.e. Do they require other scripts to work? Do they need a specific updated character sheet? Can these scripts work at the same time? Are they utilizing similar functionality?) This information is typically noted by the script author. Double-check script-specific information on the GitHub library and Mod (API) Forum.

Still Having Issues?

Please create a post on our API Forum or contact us directly.

Think You Encountered a Bug?

Follow the directions at the bottom of Solving Technical Issues to create a detailed bug report.

Can't Find the Script in Roll20 

Roll20 only has a certain list of scripts for selection through our site-based library. Please see our GitHub library for a more robust selection of scripts available.

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