Page Toolbar & Folders

In Roll20, a game is comprised of multiple Pages arranged in the Page Toolbar, like the pages from a storybook or the scenes in a storyboard. Each page represents an encounter, an NPC, an overland map, a gambling table, or some other discrete piece of the game. You can only view one page at a time, and only GMs can access the Page Toolbar.

Page Toolbar Anatomy

Page Toolbar Guide.png

1. Add Page & Add Folder Buttons

The Add Page and Add Folder buttons are how you add new pages and folders to your collection. Any new pages or folders will be added to the end of the page collection, but before the archive folder. Once added, pages and folders can be moved anywhere in the collection before the archive page.

2. Search Bar
This search bar can help you find pages and folders quickly. The search can find both folders and pages, but it does not search through archive pages.
3. Party Toolbox
The Party Toolbox is how you manage what page your players are currently on. Learn more about the Party Toolbox below.
4. Page Listing
The page listing shows you all the pages currently in your game. You can drag and drop the pages to re-order them, or click on the name of the page to edit the name. Scroll the Page Toolbar vertically by using your mouse. Additionally, if you want to rearrange your pages, clicking and dragging a page to its desired place will also scroll vertically.
5. Page Icon
The image used to represent a Page is the largest image on that page. If you would like to override the Page Icon, you can place the image you want to use (or duplicate an existing graphic that isn't the largest image) and then scale it up to a very large size. You can then right click the image and move it to the back of the layer to hide it beneath other images.
6. Page Settings (Gear) & Page Options (Dots)
If you hover over a page, you'll see two new buttons appear. One is three dots, which brings up your Page Options: Duplicate Page, Archive Page, and Delete Page. The other is a gear, which brings up the Page Settings for the page. There are a number of settings that you can change for each page, including the type of grid, enabling Fog of War, and more. For more details, consult the Page Settings help guide.
7. Party Ribbons
These are Party Ribbons, which denotes the location of your players. The yellow ribbon is your main ribbon. If you Regroup your players, the page which has the yellow ribbon is the page they'll be taken to. The other ribbons represent Breakout Groups, which have gone to different map pages. Ribbons only work on pages, not page folders. Learn more about the Party Toolbox below.
8. Toolbar Toggle
The button at the bottom center of the toolbar is the toolbar toggle, which can show and hide the toolbar as needed.
9. Page Archive
This is where all Archived Pages are kept, and you can restore any archived map page here. Learn more about archiving pages below.

Opening the Page Toolbar

access page toolbar.png

The Page Toolbar can be accessed by clicking the button in the top right of the interface near the zoom slider. To close it you can click the large "X" in the top right of the toolbar or click the "Close" button under the toolbar.

Party Toolbox

The Party Toolbox allows you to split the party and reunite them again, all from one place!

Placing Players On A Map


To place players on a map, you just need to click and drag their icon to the desired map. To drag multiple players, select the check-boxes of who you'd like to travel (or the select all button), and drag from one of the names to the desired location. You can also click and drag the player's Voice & Video avatar to the desired map to change their page.

Regrouping Players


While you can make use of the checkbox system to move around many players at once, there is also a useful shortcut to reunite your party. The yellow ribbon represents your current default page. At any point, you can press the Regroup Players button to bring your players back to the current default page.

Filtering Online Players


If you'd only like to see players who are currently online, you can use the Online Only filter to filter out offline players. To see switch between these settings, use the drop down menu in the Party Toolbox.

Managing Pages

Switching Pages As A GM

The GM can quickly switch between pages at any time by accessing the Page Toolbar and clicking on the page that they want to switch to. There will be a short loading sequence and the selected page will be displayed.

Navigating and searching pages

Pages and folders can be searched for by typing the name of the page or folder into the search bar located at the top of the page toolbar.

If inside of a folder, a breadcrumb navigation bar will appear showing which folders are currently active. This breadcrumb can also be used to navigate back through pages or back to the top level of the page folder structure.


Adding and Deleting Pages

To add a page, click the "+ Add Page" button in the top right of the page toolbar.

To delete a page, hover over the page you would like to remove and click the three dots located on top right of the page card and select the "Delete" option. You will be prompted to confirm after which the page will be removed.

delete page.png

Duplicating Pages

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The Duplicate Page button will create a new page with the identical settings of the source page, with all contents that you choose. This allows you to create a page with the movement options, scale, grid, etc. all set the way you want it, and allows you more freedom in setting up your maps.

Adding and Deleting Folders

To add a folder, click the "Add Folder" button in the top right of the page toolbar.

You can also create a new folder by dragging two pages on top of one another. This will create a new folder containing those two pages.

To delete a folder, hover over the folder you would like to remove and click the three dots located on top right of the folder and select the "Delete" option. 

You will be prompted with the option to delete the folder and ALL content within it. Or to delete the folder and keep the contents of the folder. If you choose to keep the contents of the folder, the pages within will be returned to the next highest level.

Moving Pages In To Folders

To move a page into a folder: click and hold to drag the page. Then drop the page into the folder by hovering over the folder you'd like it moved to.

Moving Pages Out Of Folders


To remove a page from a folder, open the folder containing the page and drag it onto the "All Pages" text in the top left. This action will bring the page out of the folder.

Folder View

Once you have created a folder, you will gain access to the "Folder View." This adds a button to the top left just below the search bar that can be expanded to show how folders are organized.

From here folders can be clicked to navigate to their contents or dragged to other folders to change how they are nested.

Pages and page names are not included in this view, nor is it possible to rename folders from this interface.

Moving Folders to Folders (Nesting Folders)

You can nest folders within folders by following the same steps as you would for adding a page to a folder.

To move a folder into another folder: click and hold to drag the folder. Then drop the selected folder into the folder you would like to nest it within by hovering over the desired folder.

The image below depicts what nested folders look like in the folder view.

nested folders.png

Renaming Pages and Folders

To rename a page or a folder: Click the name of the card within the Page Toolbar once. This will change the name to an editable field which can be updated.

edit field.png

Folder names can also be edited from within the folder itself by clicking the "edit" icon in the breadcrumb navigation.

Archiving Pages

You can archive any page to save for use in the future. Archived Pages will appear at the far right end of the Pages Menu, from there, they can be restored at any time. Learn more about Archiving pages on our Page Settings help guide.

Copying Tokens Between Pages

Sometimes you will want to move objects (such as tokens representing the players) between pages. To do so, just select the tokens, then press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac) to copy them. Switch to the new page, then press Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V) to paste them onto the new page. The location that token will paste to is oriented from the last time you clicked on the tabletop.


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