Reporting a Bug

Bugs can range from dice rolling incorrectly to character sheets not loading. Bug reports are a crucial part of maintaining Roll20 as well as making sure that everything works across a wide variety of setups. Our development team is always working to resolve issues that prevent and interfere with your games. Submitting a bug report is one of the best ways you can help us improve Roll20.

For reporting a bug, we first request that you prepare the report following the steps below. Once you have done so, you should attempt to reproduce the bug as you originally encountered it, taking careful notes of how you reproduced the issue. After this is complete, please fill out the Bug Report Template and pass it along to us!

Please note: Roll20 is not affiliated with, nor do we support, browser extensions such as Beyond20 or VTT Enhancement Suite. These extensions may introduce problems into your games and as such we recommend that you refrain from using them.


Preparing a Bug Report

When creating and submitting a bug report it's important that we minimize variables that may interfere with the bug you are intending to submit. As a result, below are the steps Roll20 recommends to ensure that all reports submitted to us are consistent. 

Step 1: Verify you are using an up-to-date, supported browser.

Roll20 supports Firefox and Chrome. While Roll20 may work in a variety of browsers, Roll20 is developed and tested specifically for Firefox and Chrome. What this means is that an unsupported browser may encounter issues that we may be unable to resolve. 

Note: While many browsers are adopting the Chromium framework, we still cannot guarantee Roll20 compatibility due to possible differences in how Chromium is utilized.

Step 2: Ensure that addons/extensions are disabled.

The Roll20 interface is very sensitive to the additional, behind-the-scenes functionality that addons and extensions provide. For example, an extension may interact unexpectedly with a form field inside of a character sheet, or it may trigger a false positive with the information provided by a console log.

Here you can find instructions on how to disable addons/extensions for Chrome and Firefox.
NOTE: At the moment, the popular grammar editor browser extension Grammarly can cause performance issues on our VTT. We recommend disabling it before launching your game.

Step 3: Clearing your cache.

Your browser automatically stores frequently-used pieces of information so that you don't have to re-download it every time you visit a website. However, if there is out-of-date or corrupted data being stored by your browser, it may load that data and cause issues. As such, we want to have a clean slate with which to work.

Here you can find instructions for clearing your cache in Chrome and Firefox.

Bug Report Template

A detailed description of the problem:

Steps to reproduce:

Description of your setup:

Most of the below information can be found here.

  • Web Browser
  • Browser Version
  • Operating System
  • If Javascript is enabled

Supplemental Information

Link to Roll20 profile:

Link to game: The URL when you're looking at your Game Details page

Screenshots/screen recordings:

List of any browser add-ons or extensions enabled:

Console log: Here you can find instructions for providing a console log in Chrome and Firefox.

Speedtest results:

Submitting the Report

Once you have completed the above steps and gathered the template information, you can send your report directly through our web form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you need a copy of my console log?

Your console log contains a record of exactly what the website is doing while it attempts to load. It does not include any personally identifiable information. The console log is a record of steps that have been taken by your web browser as it attempts to load the page. This means that any errors occurring behind the scenes will be captured there even if they’re not immediately visible to you.

What happens after I submit my bug report?

Once we receive your bug report our first step is to attempt to reproduce the issue you’re experiencing. Your console log and any information you provide about the steps to reproduce an issue is used here. If we’re able to reproduce the issue then we start troubleshooting. Most of the time we’re able to find the problem and will then provide you with the steps to fix the issue along with potential ways to prevent it in the future.

If we’re unable to reproduce the issue then we’ll let you know. Oftentimes this means that the issue may stem from something on either your computer or your network. We’ll do our best to provide resources for troubleshooting here as well. In cases where we’ve been unable to reproduce an issue we’ll usually have several questions for you as we try to narrow down what the root cause of the problem is.

What happens if my issue can’t be resolved right now?

It’s an unfortunate fact that not everything can be fixed immediately. If after our troubleshooting we’re unable to resolve your issue our next step is to file a bug ticket with our development team. As part of the process of creating a bug ticket we attempt to identify any workarounds that may be available and will provide this information to you when we let you know the ticket has been filed. We’re unable to provide estimates on when a bug will be fully resolved.

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